Sunday 23 November 2014


What is now? Don't try to go into your mind to answer this question because you won't be able to find it. The moment you try to question what the "now" actually is you take yourself out of the now.

It is such a cosmic revelation for people when they realise how much of an illusion psychological time is. The past and future can only exist inside your mind. How could they exist in the now? The moment which is truly indescribable by conceptualization. Once you allow your body to feel the energy of now, it can bring you close to tears.

Most of the human population have never felt this. And if they have, the mind has come in quickly to create another story for the mind to devour. More and more people are begin to inquire from within, and beginning to harness a power they forgot they had.

Don't wait for a future moment, BE HERE NOW.

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