Friday 21 November 2014


Stillness is derived from presence. With presence, stillness arises and it becomes easier to hear everything which is around you. 

When we view nature we may not really see it how it truly is. We see it as a "tree" or a "plant" however this is nothing more than yet another conceptual label which we have placed on it. Nature has the beauty of presence, it is always present, how could it not be? They don't have anywhere to be, it simply IS. The moment we begin to label nature we take the beauty and life out of it. It is not up to you to decide what happens to nature, nature cannot be ruled, it isn't a man made entity, and never will be.

When your thought stream seems incessant and you cannot feel the presence that underlies your being, turn to nature. Don't judge, don't label, just simply feel what is around you. The life you will feel will invigorate your being. This is why the Buddha would often use flowers in his sermons, as by holding your presence on something as still as nature, you realize the true essence of your being.

In this very moment, what is lacking?

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