Tuesday 22 April 2014

Be The World Through Yourself

Once it becomes known to you properly that the conceptual identity that we create for ourselves doesn't exist, life becomes easier in the sense that there no longer needs to be an identity that you have to protect, because this identity doesn't exist. When you realise this truly life changing obvious fact, the first thing many want to do is to "enlighten the masses" this is all good and well that you want to tell others what you know and believe that it needs to be heard, however be thoughtful over who you tell, as the ignorance of some may begin to derail you if you let the negativity rise. 

As people, we are all different. "People" doesn't exactly have substance it is just a way of describing what we are, however we are born with the ability to debate, explain and argue, so we are all really meant to be different, therefore one person may show an interest and enthusiasm to what you may be saying, however another may laugh in your face and describe it as rubbish. Don't become to disheartened if you meet someone like this, as we will all have different reactions to different people.

The moment which you stop allowing the opinions of others to cloud your being, your judgment and life, is the moment where your life may become to be sidetracked. Live the world through your eyes of the present moment, not behind the screen of the past or future, this screen is nothing but a replay of moments which have either passed or don't even exist yet. Just allow yourself to be in this moment right now, completely untouched by the imaginary stress which you yourself creates. 

People will live their own lives and that is completely neccesary for us to go forward, if you start to believe that you can control others lives this is where you will become mistken. You cannot control something which isn't in you, you are the own orchestrator of your own life. Living a life free of judgement will allow the true love that you are to shine through, and I promise this will make you a happier person in the long run.

Be Yourself!

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