Tuesday 26 August 2014


I have decided to use this article to promote what I believe is the future of health, also known as Veganism. Now this may be quite hard for many people to understand due to the fact that one aspect of conditioning in most societies is "Meat is good" this is something which I spent years believing, and many people still do now. I am here to tell you that I personally don't believe this. A plant based diet may seem outrageous to some people, as they may question how they will get certain nutrients, minerals etc. The answer is... Whatever meat can do, it can be done vegan ten times better! 

We are natrual herbivores, unlike many of our brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom, we have been given the choice which diet we would like to pursue. Some people eat meat, some people eat vegan. It is all down to personal choice, whatever suits you. Health benefits for veganism show much greater results that for a meat based diet. The nutruients and vitamins you pick up from a vegan diet is outstanding, and by refraining from a meat diet you can also live longer, depending on what nutrients you are getting from the food you choose to eat.

However, I will allow you to make your own research and your own decision. All I can do is highlight how powerful this movement could be if enough people got behind it. The future is green, the future is vegan.

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