Tuesday 26 August 2014

State Of Surrender

In most parts of the Western World, many people equate surrender with weakness. I am here to tell you that this is mostly not the case. You see, surrender has many different meanings in many different situations, however when talking about it in the sense of how my blog is themed, surrender is actually one of the biggest strengths you can show. Being able to surrender to the present moment no matter what it may bring you is what really showcases your true power, whether you are joyous or sad, being able to surrender can allow you to view the situation and the moment without judgment or prejudice.

Living in a state of surrender means that everything that life throws at you can just run through you. However scary, tough or big the problem may seem, surrendering to yourself and allowing it to run its course will allow you to gather peace at even the toughest times. Also, it allows you to return to the present moment. The present moment is all we will ever have, so why think of a future that doesn't or will never exist? Because when this future comes it will only be the present. Some people can spend their whole lives focusing on the future, what is the point in this? You will never achieve anything. You may achieve dozens materialistically, but in regards to what really matters which is in the present moment, you will miss everything. This is the biggest sin in life, not allowing life to live itself.

But don't just write about it, don't take my words as a truth. Find out for yourself, surrender to this moment. Try it, and you will truly see the beauty which you have been missing, this doesn't mean its a problem though, the present moment has always been here, you just never realised it.

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