Thursday 27 March 2014

You Are Everything

 One of the biggest causes in human suffering inside the conceptual reality is the feeling of not being good enough. I spent way too much time in this frame of living, and it still returns every now and then today, don't be fooled to believe that these frames of mind completely vanish from your consciousness, they will still rear their ugly head from time to time, but to know that the voice is nothing but negative energy swirling through your mind which you have conceptualized, you can learn to ignore this voice and more focus more on the present moment, focus more on the now.

Many people will constantly seek new things to attempt to make them happy because they don't feel whole, they need to be "completed" whether it be through relationships, technology or leisure activities, if you look to this to complete you, you will be not find what you are looking for. The word itself implies you are looking outside of yourself for peace of mind. How can this be possible? Completely disregarding who you are for the smallest thing as such as a brain impulse is exactly what has kept us locked in the imaginary bondage that we ourselves fall victim to. You are already complete, you are already everything you need to be. Without thought, what actually are we? Thought is what molds everything we know as such as "society" "government" even life itself has been brought into the conceptual realm as the real life we live cannot be described, cannot be given true substance, all that can prove that we actually exist is this moment right now. This quiet and humble awareness that we can feel is what shapes our very life. We may associate everything we do in our lives to a "me" but this me doesn't exist, it is merely just another thought passing through our awareness.

 So when you eliminate your belief in this conceptual me you can finally begin to see life and it's beauty in its real form, the ever changing, ever lasting phenomena.

This is Everything, YOU are Everything.

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