Fear. The word itself is enough to make people cower back into their comfort zones. However this emotional state which is so common in today's world needs to be addressed. We live in a society where weakness is rarely tolerated, this can lead to many living in fear of losing their jobs, homes, finances etc. We live in a constant state of fear, fear of what could happen and fear of what the future may bring. This is a nonsensical way of living and is the main reason why the human race is struggling to evolve onto the next plane of consciousness. By living in a more organic way of letting the present moment be as it is, fear begins to lose its power. Remember, fear can only exist if you are living in the past or future, as this gives the thinking mind more stress to handle.
The thinking mind is an incredible tool and it most definitely has its place, however too many times we get lost in our minds and this is the big human problem. The reason why our minds retaliate the way they do is due to being overworked because of the stress you are loading it with, it will backfire on you if you don't alleviate the stress when you can. It is not made to deal with issues which are mentally impossible, you must transcend the mind in order to truly see life in its beauty, and realise that these "problems" are completely mind made, and if you don't give them any power in the "now" they will begin to weaken, therefore allowing you to rest in this beautiful present moment.
Back to the subject of fear in our society, we have this constant idea of scarcity, and not believing that we will ever have enough. This is an abysmal way of seeing life, as everything in life always comes in abundance, you just have to alter the way you see life. If you are seeing the world out of grey tinted spectacles, the world will appear grey, if you view the world neutrally, you will live in peace. This boils down to one answer...
Choose Peace!