Tuesday, 26 August 2014


I have decided to use this article to promote what I believe is the future of health, also known as Veganism. Now this may be quite hard for many people to understand due to the fact that one aspect of conditioning in most societies is "Meat is good" this is something which I spent years believing, and many people still do now. I am here to tell you that I personally don't believe this. A plant based diet may seem outrageous to some people, as they may question how they will get certain nutrients, minerals etc. The answer is... Whatever meat can do, it can be done vegan ten times better! 

We are natrual herbivores, unlike many of our brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom, we have been given the choice which diet we would like to pursue. Some people eat meat, some people eat vegan. It is all down to personal choice, whatever suits you. Health benefits for veganism show much greater results that for a meat based diet. The nutruients and vitamins you pick up from a vegan diet is outstanding, and by refraining from a meat diet you can also live longer, depending on what nutrients you are getting from the food you choose to eat.

However, I will allow you to make your own research and your own decision. All I can do is highlight how powerful this movement could be if enough people got behind it. The future is green, the future is vegan.

Following Your Own Path

It should be quite obvious by now, but the only person who can ever write our path is ourselves. We may believe that other people can make our choices for us at times, but this is not true, we are always in control of our lives, and it is up to us every moment to make a difference to our lives. From a very young age we have an innate potential to do whatever we want to do, in a matter of fact we are pretty much geniuses. However from a very young age we are socially conditioned to the needs of society, our wings are cut and we begin our path into bondage.

However, not everyone follows this path. Many people realise earlier on (such as myself) that there is more to life than what has been given to us, living in somewhat of a slumber has led up to question our own beliefs, and the further into the wormhole you go, the more you seem to unhinge and destroy your conditioning. The toughest aspect of this new path is that you will inevitably have doubters, people who cannot understand why you have strayed from the path they most hopelessly cling to. "Well that's nonesense" "How can you make a career out of that" they say. These words can only bother you if you give them substance, if you believe in them, they will hurt you. Ignore what these people may say to you, this may just be a subconcious jealousy which they hold because they never followed their own true path.

If there is one thing I must say to you, it is to never stop believing in your dreams. The moment you believe you are anything less that what you want to be you will fall. We are all beautiful and all amazing creatures. What reason do we truly have not to follow our dreams? Take hold of your own inner kingdom, and master your life today.

State Of Surrender

In most parts of the Western World, many people equate surrender with weakness. I am here to tell you that this is mostly not the case. You see, surrender has many different meanings in many different situations, however when talking about it in the sense of how my blog is themed, surrender is actually one of the biggest strengths you can show. Being able to surrender to the present moment no matter what it may bring you is what really showcases your true power, whether you are joyous or sad, being able to surrender can allow you to view the situation and the moment without judgment or prejudice.

Living in a state of surrender means that everything that life throws at you can just run through you. However scary, tough or big the problem may seem, surrendering to yourself and allowing it to run its course will allow you to gather peace at even the toughest times. Also, it allows you to return to the present moment. The present moment is all we will ever have, so why think of a future that doesn't or will never exist? Because when this future comes it will only be the present. Some people can spend their whole lives focusing on the future, what is the point in this? You will never achieve anything. You may achieve dozens materialistically, but in regards to what really matters which is in the present moment, you will miss everything. This is the biggest sin in life, not allowing life to live itself.

But don't just write about it, don't take my words as a truth. Find out for yourself, surrender to this moment. Try it, and you will truly see the beauty which you have been missing, this doesn't mean its a problem though, the present moment has always been here, you just never realised it.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Our Depressed Society

Ever since we were young, the imposed ideal on us is to "follow", follow this trend, follow this celebrity, follow in your parents footsteps. STOP. You are not a machine, you are an individual, so why are you making yourself as part of the crowd? You only have one shot at this beautiful creation we call life, we can interpret life whichever way we want, but I like to believe that if the universe has given you the chance to express your being in whichever way you choose, why not be the person who you really want to be? Illnesses such as depression are so common in the modern day, as the repressed feelings and thoughts of many individuals are rearing their ugly heads, this is causing split personalities for many of these people and is causing severe distress for many. 

I am not here to say that I have a cure for depression, but before you dig your own grave just consider a few topics - are you treating your body like the temple it is? Are you nourishing it the way it deserves? If the answer is no then there is one job to begin focusing on. Giving your body all of its natural nutrients is what allows our body to operate in optimum health, however if we fill our bodies full of junk and continue to consume toxic goods, then we are not making our chances better. Second of all - are you associating with the people you truly want to? This is an extremely common case and can not help matters, if you continue to associate yourself with energy vampires, expect to stay exactly where you were. These people surround you purely to suck the life out of you - these people should be avoided. Surround yourself with dreamers, with happy people, people who make you feel joyous to be alive, these are the real people.

Last of all, and one of the biggest pointers, are you living in the present moment? This is easier said than done at times and I can vouch that this can be hard sometimes, however living in the present moment will help relinquish a lot of the tense pain which you inflict on yourselves by living in the past and future. As soon as your attention gets brought back to the present moment, you realise that all the time you spent not in the present moment was wasted, and you will never get it back. However don't fear, you can return to the present moment whenever you choose to, and trust me people, the present moment is one beautiful thing.

"Don't fight against the current, be the current"