Thursday, 24 April 2014

Happiness Is Key

When you rest in this moment right now what do you feel? You feel peace, harmony and love. Being in the present moment allows you to fully accept everything that is happening right now. You don't have to like what is happening right now, if you need to change what is happening then by all means do so, but if this isn't possible then allow yourself to accept the moment, however painful it may be.

When you rest in the present moment, a nice warm feeling of happiness will regularly arise, do not shun this feeling, this is the feeling which allows us to feel at ease, and brings out the happiness that deep down we truly are. Are good decisions made through negativity? Absolutely not. A positive mindset is what helps us go about our day better, with an easier more open minded view of the world we allow ourselves to accept others for what they are, you don't have to particularly love another to accept them.

Happiness is Key. Happiness is what makes the world go round, and without the acts of kindess and love which happiness arises through, we would be a lost race. 

Smile, and most of all.... Be Happy! 

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Love And Compassion

There is something which seems to be somewhat lacking in our present world today, and that is love and compassion for anyone and everyone. We have begin to believe that we should only love certain people over others, as some may not be "worthy" of our love. This is extremely egotistical and incredibly narrow minded, every person in the world deserves our love, they are our own creature after all.

In certain times which may be tougher than others, people struggle to give the compassion that others deserve, not being able to rest in this current moment is what creates the divide we believe to exist between each one of us. This divide is completely false. We are all one. When you allow yourself to accept whatever is happening right now no matter how good or bad, you will begin to see that love and compassion is always available, not to mention the love and compassion we should show ourselves every day, we will never truly know how to love another until we have loved ourselves.

Love is what keeps the world turning, people love and people show compassion, it has been easily proven that darkness cannot survive in the bright light of love, the bright light of kindness, care and love will always out-strengthen hate, and that is exactly why love and compassion is what we need to show to our fellow humans, before it is too late! 

Love Everyone.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Be The World Through Yourself

Once it becomes known to you properly that the conceptual identity that we create for ourselves doesn't exist, life becomes easier in the sense that there no longer needs to be an identity that you have to protect, because this identity doesn't exist. When you realise this truly life changing obvious fact, the first thing many want to do is to "enlighten the masses" this is all good and well that you want to tell others what you know and believe that it needs to be heard, however be thoughtful over who you tell, as the ignorance of some may begin to derail you if you let the negativity rise. 

As people, we are all different. "People" doesn't exactly have substance it is just a way of describing what we are, however we are born with the ability to debate, explain and argue, so we are all really meant to be different, therefore one person may show an interest and enthusiasm to what you may be saying, however another may laugh in your face and describe it as rubbish. Don't become to disheartened if you meet someone like this, as we will all have different reactions to different people.

The moment which you stop allowing the opinions of others to cloud your being, your judgment and life, is the moment where your life may become to be sidetracked. Live the world through your eyes of the present moment, not behind the screen of the past or future, this screen is nothing but a replay of moments which have either passed or don't even exist yet. Just allow yourself to be in this moment right now, completely untouched by the imaginary stress which you yourself creates. 

People will live their own lives and that is completely neccesary for us to go forward, if you start to believe that you can control others lives this is where you will become mistken. You cannot control something which isn't in you, you are the own orchestrator of your own life. Living a life free of judgement will allow the true love that you are to shine through, and I promise this will make you a happier person in the long run.

Be Yourself!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Some Random Quotes

"The natural state is never lost.
It is not an appearance, and therefore it can never disappear.
It is always the same.
It is not an entity."

What we are looking for ... is what is looking"
"Why are you unhappy?
Because 99.9 per cent of everything you think, and of everything you do, is for yourself.
And there isn't one."

Be the witness of your thoughts.
You are what observes, not what you observe. "

"What you are fundamentally cannot be experienced through reason and is only reached once you eliminate what you are not"

"The knower and the known are just concepts seemingly dividing natural non-conceptual knowing."

"Because awareness is self existing there is no effort needed or anyone who can make an effort to get it or lose it."

The way to truth lies through the destruction of the false."

"The seeker is he who is in search of himself... To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not."

"The false self must be abandoned before the real self can be found."

Don't Look Elsewhere

If you are struggling to find peace in your day to day life, just accept the present moment. Whether you may like it or not, sometimes it is better to accept what is than to fight what you cannot change. If you look outside yourself for peace of mind you will not truly find what you are looking for. Why? You cannot change the world before you have changed yourself.

Some of us will have "plans" to change the world with our own talents, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this as it is a great quality to be able to strongly believe in your dreams, however it is vital that you make sure you are a peace with yourself and show the love and compassion to yourself that you deserve, therefore whatever the outcome of your dreams and hopes, you will still be happy with what you have. It is important to realise that we do not need anything else other than what we have in our lives right now, it is okay to want extra things in your life, but don't let this ruin the present moment right now.

We have been serious misguided by the ones who call themselves the "leaders", this could be your government, celebrities or politicians to name a few. Even though there is definitely a lot of goodness in the world, there is also quite a lot of evil. Somewhere along the path of life some seem to have lost their morals towards the true life - the true way of loving your neighbour. We have been told to fend for ourselves which has led to an increased belief in separation between the masses. There will never truly be a separation, we are all one, one together, only our minds and thoughts will tell us differently.

Whatever you are doing right now? Keep doing it. If it makes you happy it will only ever be good for you. 

Accept Everything. Accept What Is.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Nothing Changes... Or Does It?

In this "transitional" you may believe that your life is beginning to change massively. However it is not the life which is being lived which is changing, it is merely your viewpoint of it. So many times we see changes in our life as huge, we give these changes substance, believing that this is life changing. The big joke of it is all is that NOTHING has changed. Merely your viewpoint has changed!

From the moment we can remember our own existence we have gone through various different stages of growing up, puberty etc, this is all the circle of life however the aspect that is actually running the show called life has never changed. It has remained completely the same, only aspects inside the spectrum of your life have changed. Once you realise that you have been "there" all along it becomes another truly liberating moment for you, and with eye-openers such as this beginning to rear their head, the veil of separation slowly begins to dissolve.

So many of us see ourselves as nothing but a wave in the vast ocean, but this is false. We ARE the ocean. When you allow yourself to rest in this moment this will all become realised, you will realise that for your lives you have lived from the mind and believed in our mind made character, this entity is false.



There is no need to panic, or be stressed in this moment. Only you can cause this to happen to yourself, we are naturally quite docile beings who are more inclined to offer love and peace, which is part of our true nature. Relax. Relaxing in this moment won't affect your level of effort and motivation towards a task at hand, if anything it will help you do a better job of it. When nothing is disturbing your presence, life is naturally easier, why wouldn't it be? You have everything you would ever need right here, right now.

"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present moment" Lao Tzu.

Let this quote sink in for a couple of minutes. Don't continue reading until you have completely digested the meaning of this quote. Any problems that may occur will occur in the present moment, but will then cease to exist, therefore making them the past. Why would continue thinking about something which isn't in the present moment? You cannot change what has already happened. Let yourself allow everything to flood into you, and then flood back out. You are an eternal being, and there is nothing outside of you which could ever truly disturb the beauty that you are.


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Conceptual Reality

The Conceptual Reality. To many this is not really something they could explain, as this is what they see as reality, however this is false. We give conceptual substance to each thing we see. Table, Chair, See-Saw etc, we give them names and instantly minimize their potential by making an absolute. Obviously it is better to give it a name so that you understand exactly what it is, however where is there any substantial proof to say this is exactly what we say it is? It is only just word of mouth. When you don't spend your time labeling objects amongst other things you will begin to see how free and easy life can be. Conceptual labeling can sometimes be the downfall of the way we interpret the world, because we take everything to be the absolute.

The fact is, "reality" is something which we cannot describe. It is completely an indescribable topic which we should allow to just be as it is, don't try to explain what is simply there. Even then, we are only interpreting this as something real, when it may not even exist. We can't simply remove conceptualizing from our system, it is deep rooted and will probably live with us for the rest of our lives. But there is nothing wrong with that, just as long as you understand that conceptualizing is just a forms of describing an object, it doesn't mean this is everything, the "absolute" what it really is is something which is aspect of our consciousness, which we should respect amongst all other aspects which we are able to acknowledge.

Cut The Bullshit

For people who are on the "Spiritual Path" it can be a torrid time indeed. Needless suffering will occur which will lead to consequences in their life overall, but why is this? What exactly is making them suffer? When people "wake up" to the truth it can be hard to adjust to your new way of living as everything which once had substance has now become something which you no longer believe in, it definitely is hard at first however, the one biggest lie told in Spirituality is that it is a path - this is bullshit.

Of course, at first you have to see the true from the false, but once you have understood exactly what is real there isn't really much else that can seem to arise on a serious level, you may become a lot wiser than previous and will have had somewhat of a reality check, but this path of Spirituality does not exist, it is merely something which keeps someone searching outside of themselves for the answers to their prayers, believing that soon this pain they feel will all be over. Only you can cause yourself this pain, it is completely self inflicted, once you realise that to truly be "awoken" (even though we are already enlightened beings) you don't have to do anything other than rest in this moment. That is truly all there is to it, allow yourself to be mesmerized by the beauty of the present moment, and in return the present moment will give you all the peace and understanding you will ever need.

There is no Path. Just Be!

Peace In A Storm

Many times a day. we may find ourselves being dragged into the stressful vortex of incessant thinking, however trying to forcefully stop ourselves from thinking this way is what makes matters worse. Let the thoughts which you do not enjoy be where they are, don't resist them, or they will get stronger. "Whatever you resist, persists"

Be the peace in the storm. You do not have to succumb to the problems you believe you may be suffering, they are completely mind created and do not exist in the true present moment, ever. Even if it seems impossible that you could ever feel at peace in certain situations, just remember, you're already there. There is absolutely nowhere you need to go, nothing you need to change, just allow all your feelings and emotions to run their course until you return to peace. This is true liberation. Not resisting anything and letting every part of yourself that arises, fall back into non-existence, what could be easier than allowing what is natural?  

Life Is You

One of the most common misplaced terms that is commonly told is that "we live life" now even though in some respects it can be quite tough to see how this is false, look at it from this direction. The only thing that gives "me" any substance is thought, any belief in a me is done through conceptual thought, if you live in the moment without the magnetic pull of thought pulling you in, you will soon realise that the "me" is completely fictitious- a myth.

You are purely just awareness of this moment, nothing else, anything which you see in thought is just another example of the present expressing itself through thought, it isn't the absolute, thought will never be the absolute. We take ourselves to be such a small minute being on the spectrum of the world we live in why? In our universe, we already are everything. We cannot control anything which we are not, we cannot control anything outside of ourselves, in a truly liberating way, we have the power to be absolutely everything in life, if we want to believe that we are everything then we are THAT everything. As soon as you become content and understand the fact that we do not live life - life lives us, then we can finally let life do what it has always been doing, which is live!

This is extremely hard for many people to understand...purely because they cannot see this without the use of thought. Do not let thought disturb this process, relax in the rich life that you already are, and when you realise that life is everything you ever wanted it to be right now, you have truly been set free.

Life Is You.

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Your default setting is wisdom and peace.

The only thing that ever covers over your experience of spaciousness and peace, in any moment, is believed thought.

You don't need to do anything to become what you already are. It is only thinking that suggests otherwise. Don't believe it. Just leave it alone. It will pass.

Love is what we all are. Not the feeling we call love (though that may come and go), but Love as the space that allows everything to be as it is. There really is no choice in the matter.

Just rest - right now. Don't trust the thinking - the story - that suggests there is something more to do. That story (believed) is the very thing that keeps you (seemingly) caught.

Just stop. Leave everything alone. Leave all thinking alone - no matter how horrendous or sublime. All thoughts are leaves blowing in the wind - no matter how beautiful, they are already dead.

Rest and realize you are the alive space-awareness that is the Knowing of all of this at this very moment.

And, when in doubt, rest some more.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


I believed this was one of the most important aspects of my work which I needed to include into this blog, which is the subject of Spirituality. It appears that as of late Spirituality as a name and label is being accepted into the mainstream media, however the idea of you being on the "Spiritual Path" is nonsense.

You are on the pathless path. Even the word path is incorrect, as it states you are on a journey to somewhere you need to get to. You don't. You are everything you need to be right here right now. You have all the tools right here in this moment to be the best you possibly can be, and to enjoy life to the fullest. The most perfect (and only) moment you can be in is this present moment you feel right now, even though your mind might be pre-occupied with other stories, you cannot deny that you are in this moment right now. If you weren't, where on earth would you be? Ponder this for a moment. Let the true beauty of this moment take over and live your life from this state of being, completely effortless.

No matter how many times you meditate, how many times you hum mantras or sit in circles singing "spiritual" rhymes, it will not make a difference. You have never needed a journey or a path to take you to be where you need to be, as you are already where you truly need to be. Meditation is a great way to calm and sooth your being and allow you to have a clearer state of mind, however it doesn't enlighten you, because.... guess what? You're already there!

Through the art of spirituality you can begin to learn new things and explore what life could be, but this will not explain the true meaning of life. The true meaning of life is right here, in this moment, right NOW.

Awake Inside The Dream

The only way to describe the "reality" which the majority of the human race live in is a dream. We give substance to everything, even things which have no substantial existence, we name things and and believe them to be that and only that e.g. Table, Chair, Slide etc. This limits not only our potential but the true richness and potential of life. The beauty of the true reality (which cannot possibly be described) is that nothing needs to be labelled, conceptualised or described, it simply just is.

At some point in our lives we will come across a crossroads, where we begin to see the world in a new light completely, where what used to work for us in our lives may start to crumble, as we begin to understand that everything isn't as it seems. From the moment we were born we were shown what to say, how to say, what to wear, etc etc, it has been a never ending cycle of conformity to other people's needs. We can't blame the people who do this to us though, this came from generations and generations ago, and has been the normal "human" way ever since. We have become somewhat conditioned not to question our beliefs, however in this new age of living people are being able to gain more and more information, whether it be on the web or in the local library, information is everywhere, and it is there at your disposal, to help you learn how to govern your own inner kingdom. 

Then you will become what they say "Awake Inside The Dream" which means you will stop be living the same way to the way you did previously, you will still hold preferences as this is what makes us human, nothing will change other than your general outlook on all of these aspects of your life. You will no longer take things as serious and as personal as previously, as you will realise that there is nobody there to offend, the "me" is all but a myth, a myth which you can still live under if you choose to, but it is more important to realise that it is not a real being, it is just a conceptual description of the true awareness that you are.