As you sit at your computer screen, searching endlessly looking for the answer to all your problems, the last possible place people would look is in this moment right now. As social beings we have been conditioned to always look to the next moment, that the next moment will be "better" what could be better than this moment right now? Anything which arises in the future will have stemmed from the present, and the next moment, and the next, and the next.
Right now in this spacious awareness which lives us, we overlook the richness of this moment. There is no clearer view on life than in this moment right now, all answers to your questions will become clearer as you ponder the present effortlessly. If you're the kind of person who has a positive and mainly confident outlook on life, this can sometimes be brought into disrepute by the incessant ramblings of the mind. Don't try to fight the mind, the mind is nothing more than conscious energy of the current moment taking form, you can take notice of your thoughts, but you don't have to believe what they tell you.
Everything is Perfect. The only hindrance that can disrupt this is believing in your more negative thoughts, as a majority of the human race today have fallen into a violent cycle of believing everything which swirls around their awareness, but this is not real. Living in your head is bound to cause you distress, because after all, you are living in a conceptual world which you have created yourself, you are not living in the REAL world, and this is where suffering can arise.
Now I know that some will be harder to convince than others to listen to this, as to someone who may live purely in their mind would be unable to understand exactly what we are talking about, because they are living purely in their mind! The biggest cosmic joke of all however is that no-one has ever been "lost" from their true nature, they have only believed in their minds to be separate. This suffer can disintegrate straight away if you realise this simple fact, it takes the floor from underneath your suffering.
Peace and Love
Dan Willis