Monday, 31 March 2014

The World is a Projection

Q. The world looks so real. How can you say that it is unreal?

A. It was never said that the world was unreal. It was however said that the world-apperance is a projection. What you are seeing as the world is the film, projected by your light onto the screen of the appearances.

The content of the mind is the film. The film by itself has not power to pull you or attract you. It is inert and is only brought to life by that light.

If that light is not there, there is no appearance on the screen.

Q. Is that the light of consciousness?

A. No, that is the light of attention. Consciousness IS what you are is the entire THEATER and beyond.

Seeker's Dilemma

Q. Master, I have been seeking for the Self for so long.

A. That is the problem.

Q. What do you mean?  Doesn't it say, "Seek and ye shall find"?

A. The context of the question is what matters.  In this situation it is "Seek and ye have already presumed to have lost it".

The Dream Dialogue

Disciple:  Master, it is clear to me now.  I can see this world as a dream.

Master:  How is this world like a dream?

Disciple:  I can see that everything moves and occurs automatically and that there is no reality to anything that I see in the dream.

Master: That's good to see.  But that's not all of it.

Disciple: That's not all of it?  What else is there?

Master:  That's what I am asking you.

Disciple:  Well, I can see that there is no permanence to anything that I am seeing.  All the houses, the cars, the people, they are not there at all, but they just seem to be there.  What else am I missing?

Master:  What role do you play in the dream?

Disciple:  What do you mean?  I am myself in the dream.

Master:  That character in the dream that you call "yourself" is as unreal as all the other objects you were mentioning earlier.  If you see all as unreal, but still think that this one is real, you haven't reached the complete seeing yet.

Friday, 28 March 2014

The Mind Is Not The Enemy

The re-occurring theme for many people when going through the "search for the truth" is to see the mind as the enemy that needs to be silenced. Actually, this is one of the main reasons why people remain stuck on this imaginary spiritual path forever. They fight themselves, they fight the concious energy which they labeled the "mind" and this brings just more suffering in for everyone involved. Searching itself implies than something needs to be done to solve what is wrong in the present moment, NOTHING is wrong in the present moment, do you understand?

When you finally harness this potential which is so obviously evident right here, the love, wisdom and peace that you truly are shines through. However, for those who still believe to be on the imaginary dead end road known as the spiritual search, STOP. Stop right now, there is nothing else that needs to be found, the mind is an incredibly skilled tool when used correctly. I mean, look at some of the great gadgets we have seen created over the past 20 years, all these created through the use of mind and analytical skill, however instead of using it for things such as this, we have began to indentify our whole lives with it, we create a seperate person which solely exists in the mind, YOU exist right now but the "person" is just an imagination. This is where the mind is used incorrectly, we believe that our reality is shaped by our thoughts, and that what we think is what we are. There is no way of describing what we truely are, it is impossible to describe, so instead of searching for something outside of ourselves such as this, we need to just allow this present moment to shine as bright as the sun, as this will bring us everything that we ever need.

The Mind Is Not The Enemy.

Just Allow It

Whatever is happening right now, allow it. Change what you need to if necessary, but whatever you may be feeling or sensing right now, allow it. One of the main problems with the way many people operate inside the realms of their mind is the fact that they resist the negative thoughts which arise in their spacious consciousness. Don't get me wrong, there isn't anybody who would choose to have negative thoughts if they could, but it is something that we have been used to for most of our lives, only when you begin on the "spiritual search" do you begin to question everything that you ever thought or believed in your life, this is the game-changer.

If you feel anger, hate or jealously towards another person, don't allow it to consume you, just peacefully watch the thought as it passes by in your consciousness. We can't stop thoughts, they are something which we have rooted deep into our conditioning, so instead of trying to combat thinking and the fact that it can supposedly take your attention out of the present, allow the feeling. Believe it or not, the less attention you give a thought, the less power it will have, subsequently making it easier for you to relax back into the omnipresent, never changing universal awareness.

The more you allow yourself not to be swayed by the incessant voices of your mind, the stronger your attention will get to the now, to realize that what is right here right now is all we have, past and future are nothing but stories created by the mind to make sense of the world around them. When you finally open up to the true beauty of this present moment, anything is possible.

Just Allow It.

Is It Really That Easy?

It is as simple as that. Do you understand? There is nothing we need to do to make as whole as we already are, we are already everything we possibly could be. Rest in the pure awareness that you are, let your life flow freely, don't force yourself to do something which doesn't reside with what you really want. One of our biggest aims in life is to be happy, or as some people believe this is something we have to aim for - this is an erroneous idea. From the moment you can first recall, you have never lived life - life has lived you.

As we have gone along in life we have created ourselves a strong identity, a "me".As I have stated in previous articles, this is nothing more than a thought that you have given too much power to. When you rest in what you truly are, that divine awareness, there is no "person" there at all. Where is it? Where on earth could you find a being separate from yourself? We could spend our whole lives believing in this "me" but it is purely only a concept, something of imagination.

Instead of looking at your true nature as something which you have to work for, you can know that right here right now, you are that. You don't need to become a monk, meditate and hum various different mantras to be the amazing awareness which you are right now, it can eliminate a lifetime of mental suffering from your main view of life, and can make you realize that those shackles which you gave yourself were only ever imaginary.

IT IS really that easy.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

You Are Everything

 One of the biggest causes in human suffering inside the conceptual reality is the feeling of not being good enough. I spent way too much time in this frame of living, and it still returns every now and then today, don't be fooled to believe that these frames of mind completely vanish from your consciousness, they will still rear their ugly head from time to time, but to know that the voice is nothing but negative energy swirling through your mind which you have conceptualized, you can learn to ignore this voice and more focus more on the present moment, focus more on the now.

Many people will constantly seek new things to attempt to make them happy because they don't feel whole, they need to be "completed" whether it be through relationships, technology or leisure activities, if you look to this to complete you, you will be not find what you are looking for. The word itself implies you are looking outside of yourself for peace of mind. How can this be possible? Completely disregarding who you are for the smallest thing as such as a brain impulse is exactly what has kept us locked in the imaginary bondage that we ourselves fall victim to. You are already complete, you are already everything you need to be. Without thought, what actually are we? Thought is what molds everything we know as such as "society" "government" even life itself has been brought into the conceptual realm as the real life we live cannot be described, cannot be given true substance, all that can prove that we actually exist is this moment right now. This quiet and humble awareness that we can feel is what shapes our very life. We may associate everything we do in our lives to a "me" but this me doesn't exist, it is merely just another thought passing through our awareness.

 So when you eliminate your belief in this conceptual me you can finally begin to see life and it's beauty in its real form, the ever changing, ever lasting phenomena.

This is Everything, YOU are Everything.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Everything Is Perfect

As you sit at your computer screen, searching endlessly looking for the answer to all your problems, the last possible place people would look is in this moment right now. As social beings we have been conditioned to always look to the next moment, that the next moment will be "better" what could be better than this moment right now? Anything which arises in the future will have stemmed from the present, and the next moment, and the next, and the next.

Right now in this spacious awareness which lives us, we overlook the richness of this moment. There is no clearer view on life than in this moment right now, all answers to your questions will become clearer as you ponder the present effortlessly. If you're the kind of person who has a positive and mainly confident outlook on life, this can sometimes be brought into disrepute by the incessant ramblings of the mind. Don't try to fight the mind, the mind is nothing more than conscious energy of the current moment taking form, you can take notice of your thoughts, but you don't have to believe what they tell you.

Everything is Perfect. The only hindrance that can disrupt this is believing in your more negative thoughts, as a majority of the human race today have fallen into a violent cycle of believing everything which swirls around their awareness, but this is not real. Living in your head is bound to cause you distress, because after all, you are living in a conceptual world which you have created yourself, you are not living in the REAL world, and this is where suffering can arise.

Now I know that some will be harder to convince than others to listen to this, as to someone who may live purely in their mind would be unable to understand exactly what we are talking about, because they are living purely in their mind! The biggest cosmic joke of all however is that no-one has ever been "lost" from their true nature, they have only believed in their minds to be separate. This suffer can disintegrate straight away if you realise this simple fact, it takes the floor from underneath your suffering.

Peace and Love
Dan Willis